Download PDF by Thomas Harry Sharp: Biomolecular Imaging at High Spatial and Temporal Resolution

By Thomas Harry Sharp

As a part of a collaboration among various teams in chemistry and biochemistry, Thom Sharp provides the following his thesis paintings at the improvement of recent tools for cryoelectron microscopy. all through his Ph.D., Thom needed to grasp a complete variety of thoughts together with modelling, molecular biology and microscopy. utilizing those talents to take on a good challenge, the pursuit of high-resolution buildings of peptide-based fabrics, Thom highlights during this thesis his newly constructed tools for analysing and processing this actual form of electron microscopy information. This thesis provides the 1st molecular description of a de-novo designed peptide-based fabric. usually, this learn can have a huge effect at the peptide meeting box, and likewise in electron microscopy because it introduces new equipment and ways, all of that are Thom's innovations and are defined during this thesis.

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Biomolecular Imaging at High Spatial and Temporal Resolution In Vitro and In Vivo (Springer Theses) by Thomas Harry Sharp

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